Picture a Mystery: Stuart Woods’ Unintended Consequences


L’Arc de Triomphe at the top of the Champs Elysées in Paris.


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By Carol Pouliot

In Unintended Consequences (Stone Barrington #26) by Stuart Woods, Stone Barrington arrives in Paris late one night and is immediately chauffeured to the American Embassy. When he awakes the next morning, he has no memory of the past four days. Part millionaire businessman, part tough guy, part CIA operative, Stone has no idea why he’s in Paris or how he got there. When he discovers he’s been drugged, he's determined to get to the bottom of it. Soon, comfortably installed in the Plaza Athenée, Stone receives an invitation to a party given by a man he does not remember. So begins his quest to find out what happened—from Paris to Manhattan to Maine then back to New York City where the story climaxes in the Russian immigrant neighborhood of Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. Unintended Consequences offers up lots of action, plenty of chases with fancy cars, and sexy spies from both the US and Sweden.

Photo by Carol Pouliot


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